October 31st, 1984 is a day that will always be remembered in India. It is the day that Indira Gandhi was assasignated. She was a woman who dedicated her entire life to improving India. She worked very hard to make as many people as she could happy, but of course that is impossible. She made mistakes like every human being, but those mistakes are what killed her. In the early 1980’s, the Sikhs, who were members of a religious group, wanted to break away from India and start their own independent state. But Indira wanted India to remain a united country and disagreed with their proposal. This of course resulted in many violent attacks. Eventually, the Sikhs took refuge in their sacred place, the Golden Temple of Amritsar. This place was considered safe from attack, but Indira attacked it anyway. Many people died in this fight and she was widely criticized for it. After many attacks, Indira’s advisers suggested that it would be dangerous to have Sikhs working for her, but she refused to listen. She did not want to discriminate against them. But sadly, it was two Sikh security guards that killed her trying to get revenge. Indira Gandhi is an Indian legend that will be remembered forever.